List of Enhancements and Bug Fixes in Spark Editor 1.0.6

We are happy to introduce Spark Editor version 1.0.6 featuring new enhancements to the email template, along with crucial bug fixes.


  • While attempting to leave the email template after making changes without saving it, a confirmation pop-up will appear asking whether to stay or exit without saving the template.
Confirmation popup after making changes
  • A Cancel (X) button has been added to the confirmation pop-up, enabling you to dismiss the alert message and resume working on the email template.
Dismiss confirmation popup
  • From now on, a “Code Imported Successfully” message will appear whenever you import MJML code into an email template.
Code Imported successfull popup

Bug Fixes:

  • Alignment issues with right-to-left languages, like Arabic, have been fixed.
  • Except for font size, all changes to global styles will be applied to heading elements.
  • Button borders no longer appear after resetting the border dimensions.
  • The default font size value now correctly applies when resetting it in the Order Summary of your email template.